Unix NetHack Version 3.6.7 - last build Fri Feb 17 15:47:41 2023 (3ff9b0f54818f925015e8ed60ae25891f0a884b6). Game began 2024-06-11 02:26:24, ended 2024-06-12 01:18:55. DoomChicken, chaotic female elven Wizard ## # ---------.-- |....<{....| ###...........| # -------.---- # )# # ## ----------- # ## ..f@....}.| # # #|....}....|## % #..}.}.}...|# ## |.{}......l# ---)--- ----------- |/)[)[| |[.)[.| |[![..| |[.[[(| ------- DoomChicke the Thaumaturge St:12 Dx:15 Co:16 In:19 Wi:11 Ch:9 Chaotic Dlvl:4 $:7 HP:0(51) Pw:80(85) AC:5 Exp:8 T:8741 Latest messages: What do you want to eat? [u or ?*] u This lichen corpse tastes okay. You finish eating the lichen corpse. You are still in a pit. You crawl to the edge of the pit. There are several objects here. There are many objects here. There are several objects here. You hear a jackal howling at the moon. There are many objects here. There are several objects here. There are several objects here. You drop a square amulet (unpaid, 200 zorkmids). You drop a square amulet (unpaid, 267 zorkmids). You drop a pair of high boots (unpaid, 29 zorkmids). You drop a copper wand (unpaid, 267 zorkmids). You drop a curved wand (unpaid, 200 zorkmids). You drop a forked wand (unpaid, 267 zorkmids). You drop a maple wand (unpaid, 233 zorkmids). There are several objects here. There are several objects here. There is an open door here. You see here a broad pick. Something is engraved here on the ground. You read: "Elbereth". You see here a killer bee corpse. You see here a crude dagger. Some text has been burned into the floor here. You read: "Elbereth". Some text has been burned into the floor here. You read: "Elbereth". You hear a jackal howling at the moon. The magic-absorbing blade stuns the jaguar! The jaguar hits! The jaguar hits! The jaguar bites! In what direction? 4 The spell hits the jaguar! The jaguar hits! The jaguar hits! The jaguar bites! The jaguar hits! The jaguar hits! The jaguar bites! You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) y Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynaq] (y) y Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see the dungeon overview? [ynq] (y) y Inventory: Coins $ - 7 gold pieces Amulets F - an uncursed amulet of magical breathing (being worn) Weapons L - 4 +1 daggers (at the ready) Q - 3 +0 daggers a - the rustproof +0 Magicbane (weapon in hand) Armor C - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) G - an uncursed +0 pair of high boots (being worn) r - an uncursed greased +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) H - an uncursed -1 leather armor (being worn) Wands j - a wand of cold (0:5) Tools b - an uncursed bag of holding containing 13 items l - an uncursed brass lantern k - an uncursed skeleton key t - an uncursed towel Contents of the bag of holding: 89 gold pieces a blessed +1 dagger a blessed +0 dagger a +0 elven dagger an uncursed food ration an uncursed tin of gnome meat a blessed scroll of blank paper 3 uncursed scrolls of blank paper an uncursed scroll of scare monster an uncursed potion of restore ability an uncursed ring of conflict a wand of digging (0:8) a +0 pick-axe DoomChicken the Wizard's attributes: Background: You were a Thaumaturge, a level 8 female elven Wizard. You were chaotic, on a mission for Anhur who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Thoth (neutral). You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 4. You entered the dungeon 8741 turns ago. It was nighttime. You had 2249 experience points, 311 more were needed to attain level 9. Basics: You had 0 out of 51 hit points. You had 80 out of 85 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was 5. Your wallet contained 7 zorkmids. Autopickup was on for '?!/"$=+' plus thrown. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 12 (limit:18). Your dexterity was 15 (limit:18). Your constitution was 16 (limit:16). Your intelligence was 19 (limit:20). Your wisdom was 11 (limit:20). Your charisma was 9 (limit:18). Final Status: You were unencumbered. You were wielding a dagger. You were skilled in dagger and could have enhanced that. Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were magic-protected. You were sleep resistant. You were telepathic. You had infravision. You could survive without air. You were warded. You were unlucky. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a ghost a small mimic a large cat 4 leprechauns an iron piercer 2 water nymphs 8 Mordor orcs 9 Uruk-hai 2 rock piercers a rock mole a pony 3 yellow lights a shrieker 6 gnome lords 2 gnomish wizards a kobold mummy 2 gray oozes 4 elf zombies 2 ghouls a paper golem 6 giant ants 3 floating eyes 2 kittens 11 dwarves a kobold lord a kobold shaman 27 hill orcs a rothe a centipede an orc zombie 3 wererats 6 iguanas 5 killer bees 6 acid blobs 2 gas spores 2 hobbits 11 manes a large kobold 2 hobgoblins 4 cave spiders 2 brown molds a yellow mold a green mold 24 gnomes a garter snake a gnome zombie 3 geckos 3 jackals 4 foxes 3 kobolds 4 goblins 5 sewer rats 4 grid bugs 2 bats 8 lichens 2 kobold zombies 7 newts 224 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 4 Level 1: An altar to Anhur. Level 2: An armor shop. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 3: Some fountains. Level 4: <- You were here. An armor shop, some fountains. Final resting place for you, killed by a jaguar, Koku-Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu, caught herself in her own magical blast. The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 5 Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Many shops, a temple, some fountains. Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | DoomChicken | | 96 Au | | killed by a | | jaguar | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye DoomChicken the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 4 with 9283 points, and 96 pieces of gold, after 8741 moves. You were level 8 with a maximum of 51 hit points when you died.