Unix NetHack Version 3.6.7 - last build Fri Feb 17 15:47:41 2023 (3ff9b0f54818f925015e8ed60ae25891f0a884b6). Game began 2024-06-02 23:16:21, ended 2024-06-03 00:09:51. Irestine, lawful male human Samurai ----- --------- -------- --------------- |...| |.......| #####-a.....| |..............#####....-# #.......[.# ## |..a)..| |.............| |...|# #|.......|# ## |aaf(...# |.............| |...|# #|.......|# # |@.....|# ----|---------- |...|# #|.......|# # --------# ## |...|# #---------# ### # # -----# ## ## # # # # # ### # # ## ## # # # ### #### ## # ####### # -|------- # # # # |.......-#####################################-------------- ######## |.......| ## # #|............| #---.- |.....(.| #-------# #-........<...| #|.{.| |.......| #|%....|# |............| #|...| --------- #|.....|# |............| #|...| #-.>....# -------------- #-...| ------- ----- Irestine the Ninja St:14 Dx:15 Co:17 In:11 Wi:10 Ch:9 Lawful S:2636 Dlvl:6 $:0 HP:0(69) Pw:22(22) AC:10 Xp:6/551 T:3329 Latest messages: What do you want to eat? [A or ?*] Core dumped. What do you want to eat? [A or ?*] Core dumped. You were wearing a silver ring (on left hand). What do you want to call? [mrswyDFJLQ or ?*] What do you want to write with? [- a-dmqwyFL or ?*] You write in the dust with your fingertip. Something is written here in the dust. You read: "Elbereth". You see no objects here. What do you want to write with? [- a-dmqwyFL or ?*] Do you want to add to the current engraving? [ynq] (y) You add to the writing in the dust with an ebony wand. The bugs on the floor stop moving! What do you want to call? [mrswyDFJLQ or ?*] Something is written here in the dust. You read: "Elberethx". You see no objects here. What do you want to drop? [a-dmq-swyzDFIJLQ or ?*] You drop a long sword. You swap places with your kitten. The killer bee stings! The killer bee stings! You miss the killer bee. The killer bee stings! The killer bee stings! You miss the killer bee. The killer bee stings! The kitten misses the killer bee. The killer bee stings! The kitten misses the killer bee. The kitten misses the killer bee. The killer bee stings! The killer bee stings! The kitten misses the killer bee. You miss the killer bee. The killer bee stings! The killer bee's sting was poisoned! The killer bee stings! The kitten misses the killer bee. The killer bee stings! The killer bee's sting was poisoned! You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn... You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y) Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynaq] (y) Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (y) Do you want to see the dungeon overview? [ynq] (y) Inventory: Amulets J - a cursed amulet of change D - an uncursed amulet of life saving Weapons d - 29 +0 ya (in quiver) c - a +0 yumi a - a +0 katana (weapon in hand) b - a +0 wakizashi (alternate weapon; not wielded) Armor s - an uncursed corroded +1 orcish helm z - an uncursed +0 elven mithril-coat Rings y - an uncursed ring of cold resistance w - an uncursed ring of stealth L - an uncursed ring of teleport control Wands F - a wand of death (0:6) m - a wand of digging (0:7) Tools r - a cursed magic whistle Q - an uncursed mirror I - an uncursed stethoscope Irestine the Samurai's attributes: Background: You were a Ninja, a level 6 male human Samurai. You were lawful, on a mission for Amaterasu Omikami who was opposed by Raijin (neutral) and Susanowo (chaotic). You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 6. You entered the dungeon 3329 turns ago. It was the midnight hour. You had 551 experience points, 89 more were needed to attain level 7. Your score was 2636 before end-of-game adjustments. Basics: You had 0 out of 69 hit points. You had all 22 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was 10. Your wallet was empty. Autopickup was on for '$' plus thrown. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 14 (limit:18/100). Your dexterity was 15 (limit:18). Your constitution was 17 (peak:18, limit:18). Your intelligence was 11 (limit:18). Your wisdom was 10 (limit:18). Your charisma was 9 (limit:18). Final Status: You were unencumbered. You were wielding a long sword. You had basic skill with long sword and could have enhanced that. You were not wearing any armor. Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were fast. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a black pudding a leprechaun an orc mummy a blue jelly 2 human zombies a rope golem 2 soldier ants a mountain nymph an Uruk-hai a rock piercer a pony a yellow light a shrieker 2 violet fungi 2 gnome lords a golden naga hatchling 2 gray oozes a giant ant a little dog 3 rothes an orc zombie a dwarf zombie a coyote a giant rat a cave spider a green mold 3 garter snakes a gecko 3 jackals a fox a kobold 4 goblins a sewer rat 3 kobold zombies 3 newts 53 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 6 Level 1: A sink. Level 2: "Vault" Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 3: "Vault" Level 4: A fountain, a sink. Level 5: Many fountains. Level 6: <- You were here. A fountain. Stairs up to Sokoban, level 5. Final resting place for you, killed by a killer bee. The Gnomish Mines: Level 3: Sokoban: Level 5: Unsolved. Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | Irestine | | 0 Au | | killed by a | | killer bee | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Sayonara Irestine the Samurai... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 6 with 2636 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 3329 moves. You were level 6 with a maximum of 69 hit points when you died.