Unix NetHack Version 3.6.7 - last build Fri Feb 17 15:47:41 2023 (3ff9b0f54818f925015e8ed60ae25891f0a884b6). Game began 2024-06-19 20:58:17, ended 2024-06-19 22:22:40. NoPanic, chaotic male human Wizard ---------------- +...............########## |..............| ## |..............|############ |..i@&)....>...|# # -.-.--- ----------------# # |.....| #0 ### |.....| # |.....| ###|.....| #....<.| ------- NoPanic the Thaumaturge St:13 Dx:15 Co:16 In:16 Wi:18 Ch:9 Chaotic Dlvl:6 $:0 HP:0(53) Pw:37(88) AC:7 Xp:8/1359 T:6666 Latest messages: The crude dagger hits the succubus. The succubus acts as though she has got a headache. The succubus hits! The succubus hits! The tengu bites! In what direction? The spell misses the succubus. The succubus acts as though she has got a headache. The succubus hits! The succubus hits! The tengu bites! In what direction? The spell misses the succubus. The succubus acts as though she has got a headache. The succubus hits! The succubus hits! The tengu bites! In what direction? The spell misses the succubus. The succubus acts as though she has got a headache. The succubus hits! The succubus hits! The tengu bites! What do you want to write with? [- c-elmqszEMNX or ?*] You write in the dust with an uncursed wand called speed. The bugs on the floor speed up! The succubus acts as though she has got a headache. The succubus hits! The succubus hits! The tengu bites! Something is written here in the dust. You read: "E5bereth". You see no objects here. Unknown command ' '. What do you want to read? [i-kxFPQ or ?*] As you read the scroll, it disappears. This is a charging scroll. What do you want to charge? [cCNU or ?*] You don't have that object. What do you want to charge? [cCNU or ?*] Your flute glows briefly. The succubus acts as though she has got a headache. The succubus hits! The succubus hits! You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y) Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynaq] (y) Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (y) Do you want to see the dungeon overview? [ynq] (y) Inventory: Weapons s - 3 +0 daggers X - a blessed +0 elven dagger E - a +0 elven dagger z - a burnt +0 elven dagger l - a +0 orcish dagger (at the ready) m - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands) Armor b - an uncursed +2 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) Comestibles V - 3 uncursed slime molds u - an uncursed eucalyptus leaf t - an uncursed food ration y - an uncursed tripe ration W - an uncursed tripe ration O - an uncursed tin of jackal meat L - an uncursed partly eaten lichen corpse Scrolls F - an uncursed scroll of create monster P - an uncursed scroll of fire j - an uncursed scroll of genocide i - an uncursed scroll of remove curse Spellbooks Q - an uncursed spellbook of blank paper k - a blessed spellbook of force bolt Potions p - an uncursed potion of gain energy H - an uncursed potion of hallucination B - an uncursed potion of invisibility o - an uncursed potion of object detection Z - a blessed potion of restore ability T - a blessed potion of see invisible n - a potion of unholy water Rings q - an uncursed ring of invisibility e - an uncursed ring of regeneration (on right hand) d - an uncursed ring of teleportation (on left hand) Wands c - a wand of create monster (0:12) N - a wand of speed monster (0:3) Tools r - an uncursed sack containing 5 items D - an empty uncursed sack U - a bag of tricks (0:1) C - a magic flute (1:6) v - an uncursed magic whistle Y - a blessed oil lamp h - an uncursed tin whistle Gems/Stones M - an uncursed luckstone Contents of the sack: an uncursed chrysoberyl stone an uncursed worthless piece of blue glass an uncursed worthless piece of green glass an uncursed worthless piece of orange glass 3 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass NoPanic the Wizard's attributes: Background: You were a Thaumaturge, a level 8 male human Wizard. You were chaotic, on a mission for Anhur who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Thoth (neutral). You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 6. You entered the dungeon 6666 turns ago. It was nighttime. You had 1359 experience points, 1201 more were needed to attain level 9. Basics: You had 0 out of 53 hit points. You had 37 out of 88 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was 7. Your wallet was empty. Autopickup was on for '$' plus thrown. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 13 (peak:14, limit:18/100). Your dexterity was 15 (limit:18). Your constitution was 16 (limit:18). Your intelligence was 16 (limit:18). Your wisdom was 18 (limit:18). Your charisma was 9 (limit:18). Final Status: You were unencumbered. You were wielding a quarterstaff. You had basic skill with quarterstaff and could have enhanced that. Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were magic-protected. You were fire resistant. You were telepathic. You could teleport. You regenerated. You were warded. You were lucky. You had extra luck. Bad luck did not time out for you. Good luck did not time out for you. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: 2 small mimics a djinni an ice vortex a lizard a snake 2 water moccasins 4 fire ants an imp a water nymph 10 Mordor orcs 2 rock moles a pony a shrieker 3 gnome lords 2 gnomish wizards 3 gray oozes an elf zombie a giant ant 3 floating eyes a kitten 7 dwarves 2 hill orcs 3 giant bats 3 iguanas 2 acid blobs 2 coyotes a gas spore 8 hobbits 2 manes a large kobold 2 hobgoblins 3 giant rats 2 cave spiders a brown mold a red mold 18 gnomes 6 garter snakes 5 geckos 10 jackals 2 kobolds 3 goblins 4 sewer rats 4 grid bugs 2 bats 7 lichens a kobold zombie 6 newts 150 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 7 Level 1: A sink. Level 2: A general store, a sink. Level 3: An armor shop. Level 4: Some fountains. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 5: An altar. Level 6: <- You were here. Final resting place for you, killed by a succubus. Level 7: The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 8 Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: "fire" Many shops, a temple, some fountains. Level 8: Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | NoPanic | | 0 Au | | killed by a | | succubus | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye NoPanic the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 6 with 5806 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 6666 moves. You were level 8 with a maximum of 53 hit points when you died.