Unix NetHack Version 3.6.7 - last build Fri Feb 17 15:47:41 2023 (3ff9b0f54818f925015e8ed60ae25891f0a884b6). Game began 2024-06-08 07:10:50, ended 2024-06-10 16:35:58. Simokon, lawful female human Priestess ..... ....... .......| ........-- .......h.| .....<...| .)fs@...-- ........| .----[--- Simokon the Acolyte St:11 Dx:16 Co:14 In:9 Wi:16 Ch:12 Lawful Dlvl:8 $:1056 HP:0(31) Pw:11(49) AC:3 Exp:4 T:3578 Latest messages: You swap places with Carlos. You swap places with Carlos. The gnome picks up 4 cursed daggers. The gnome lord hits! The gnome wields 4 cursed daggers! The daggers weld themselves to the gnome's hand! The gnome shoots an arrow! You are almost hit by an arrow. What do you want to throw? [$au or ?*] a In what direction? 6 The aklys named +1 hits the gnome lord. The aklys named +1 returns to your hand! What do you want to throw? [$au or ?*] a In what direction? 6 The aklys named +1 hits the gnome lord. The aklys named +1 returns to your hand! Carlos bites the gnome. The gnome is killed! The gnome lord hits! The gnome picks up 4 cursed daggers. Carlos bites the gnome. The gnome tries to wield 4 cursed daggers. The gnome's bow is welded to his hand! The gnome lord hits! The gnome shoots an arrow! An arrow misses you. What do you want to write with? [- aeuO or ?*] ? You write in the dust with your fingertip. What do you want to write in the dust here? Elbereth Carlos bites the gnome. The gnome is killed! The gnome lord turns to flee. The gnome lord picks up an arrow. The giant spider turns to flee. The gnome lord picks up a cursed bow. Carlos bites the gnome lord. The gnome lord misses Carlos. The gnome lord picks up 4 arrows. Carlos bites the gnome lord. The gnome lord hits Carlos. The gnome lord picks up 4 cursed daggers. Carlos bites the gnome lord. Carlos bites the gnome lord. The gnome lord is killed! Carlos bites the giant spider. The giant spider misses Carlos. The giant spider bites! You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) q Inventory: Coins $ - 1056 gold pieces Weapons a - a +1 aklys named +1 (tethered weapon in hand) u - a blessed +1 mace Armor J - a +0 orcish helm (being worn) g - a blessed +1 pair of iron shoes (being worn) c - a +0 small shield (being worn) b - a +0 robe (being worn) Comestibles Y - 2 food rations j - a tripe ration k - a lichen corpse Scrolls d - 2 scrolls of identify Spellbooks q - a spellbook of confuse monster Z - a spellbook of extra healing Potions p - a blessed potion of hallucination h - a potion of monster detection Tools o - a sack containing 12 items l - a skeleton key i - a tin whistle Gems/Stones e - 2 worthless pieces of green glass O - 2 worthless pieces of violet glass Contents of the sack: 2 cloves of garlic a sprig of wolfsbane 2 cursed tripe rations a blessed scroll of enchant armor 2 potions of holy water a jacinth stone an opal a turquoise stone a worthless piece of orange glass 3 worthless pieces of violet glass 2 worthless pieces of yellow glass a worthless piece of yellowish brown glass Simokon the Priestess's attributes: Background: You were an Acolyte, a level 4 human Priestess. You were lawful, nominally on a mission for Anu who was opposed by Ishtar (neutral) and Anshar (chaotic). You were in the Gnomish Mines, on level 8. You entered the dungeon 3578 turns ago. You had 139 experience points, 21 more were needed to attain level 5. Basics: You had 0 out of 31 hit points. You had 11 out of 49 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was 3. Your wallet contained 1056 zorkmids. Autopickup was on for '$?!/="+' plus thrown, with exceptions. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 11 (limit:18/100). Your dexterity was 16 (limit:18). Your constitution was 14 (limit:18). Your intelligence was 9 (limit:18). Your wisdom was 16 (peak:17, limit:18). Your charisma was 12 (limit:18). Final Status: You were unencumbered. You were wielding a club. You had basic skill with club. Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were poison resistant. You were telepathic. You were guarded. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a watchman a giant spider a mountain nymph 2 shriekers 10 gnome lords 2 gnomish wizards a gray ooze 3 elf zombies a floating eye 6 dwarves a homunculus an iguana an acid blob a coyote 2 hobbits 2 manes a brown mold a green mold 37 gnomes 2 garter snakes 2 geckos 5 jackals 3 foxes 2 kobolds 2 goblins a sewer rat 11 grid bugs 6 lichens 2 kobold zombies a newt 112 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You were an atheist. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 3 Level 1: Level 2: A general store, a sink. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 3: A fountain. The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 8 Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Many shops, a temple, some fountains. Level 7: Level 8: <- You were here. Final resting place for you, killed by a giant spider. Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | Simokon | | 1056 Au | | killed by a | | giant spider | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye Simokon the Priestess... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 8 with 1857 points, and 1056 pieces of gold, after 3578 moves. You were level 4 with a maximum of 31 hit points when you died.