Unix NetHack Version 3.6.7 - last build Fri Feb 17 15:47:41 2023 (3ff9b0f54818f925015e8ed60ae25891f0a884b6). Game began 2024-06-01 21:18:45, ended 2024-06-01 21:50:09. evh, chaotic male elven Wizard --- ---- -----.-- -.. |......| --- ... |......| |.|-- .. |-.--<-- |.|.. .. --.----- |.|.. +..- |..----------.|...|..| |..............-..-..| --.....-------... ....| |..---..--- ... ....| -- --.-- -.... #|.- -...| (| |..---.[[.# ..| +...| ((| --.....|.-.[-.| |...| @. |..|.-|......----...--|-- ------|-----...|........| --...-|...|..#d%@a.---- | |.....|...|-....{..@.....| -........--..|....# ....- ---..........|-...... ..... ---.|.----------------- .- ----- -- Evh the Thaumaturge St:10 Dx:15 Co:16 In:15 Wi:11 Ch:10 Chaotic Dlvl:6 $:131 HP:0(48) Pw:2(65) AC:3 Xp:6/476 T:3169 Latest messages: Adjust letter to what [flmyJSUW-Y] (? see used letters)? d Swapping: d - a pick-axe named noncursed. The dog drops a hooded cloak. Pick an object. @ a human or elf (peaceful watchman) [seen: normal vision, infravision] Unknown command ' '. What do you want to drop? [$a-eg-kn-xzA-RTVZ or ?*] d You drop a pick-axe named noncursed. Your movements are now unencumbered. In what direction? l The spell hits the soldier ant! You kill the soldier ant! You have a little trouble lifting a pick-axe named noncursed. Continue? [ynq] (q) y You have a little trouble lifting d - a pick-axe named noncursed. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load. You see here a soldier ant corpse. You miss the soldier ant. The soldier ant misses! The soldier ant stings! What do you want to drop? [$a-eg-kn-xzA-RTVZ or ?*] d You drop a pick-axe named noncursed. Your movements are now unencumbered. The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! You hit the soldier ant. The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! Are you sure you want to pray? [yn] (n) y You begin praying to Anhur. You are surrounded by a shimmering light. The soldier ant starts to attack you, but pulls back. The soldier ant starts to attack you, but pulls back. The soldier ant starts to attack you, but pulls back. The soldier ant starts to attack you, but pulls back. You finish your prayer. You feel that Anhur is well-pleased. What do you want to name? [$a-ceg-kn-xzA-RTVZ or ?*] a What do you want to name this quarterstaff named p2782? p3169 You miss the soldier ant. The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! You die... Izchak looks at your corpse and sighs. Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) y Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynaq] (y) y Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see the dungeon overview? [ynq] (y) y Inventory: Coins $ - 131 gold pieces Weapons R - a blessed +2 dagger H - 14 +0 daggers (at the ready) r - a +0 elven dagger (weapon in hand) a - a blessed +2 quarterstaff named p3169 Armor b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance named psn,sinv,slp (being worn) Z - a blessed +0 dwarvish mithril-coat (being worn) Comestibles A - an uncursed banana I - an uncursed eucalyptus leaf Scrolls K - a blessed scroll of amnesia j - a blessed scroll of create monster P - a blessed scroll of enchant armor z - an uncursed scroll of enchant armor G - 2 uncursed scrolls of enchant weapon named noncursed k - a blessed scroll of food detection i - an uncursed scroll of identify w - an uncursed scroll of identify s - 2 uncursed scrolls of light Potions g - an uncursed potion of confusion h - a blessed potion of oil t - a cursed potion of sickness Rings e - an uncursed +1 ring of protection J - an uncursed ring of teleport control Wands L - a wand of light (0:14) q - a wand of lightning (0:5) c - a wand of speed monster (0:7) V - a wand of striking (0:6) p - a wand of undead turning (0:6) Tools E - a magic flute (0:8) o - an uncursed tooled horn Q - a cursed figurine of a dwarf T - an uncursed leash n - a magic marker (0:69) D - an uncursed stethoscope v - an uncursed tallow candle x - an uncursed tin whistle O - a cursed wax candle Gems/Stones F - 2 uncursed aquamarine stones C - an uncursed dilithium crystal B - 2 uncursed emeralds M - an uncursed jasper stone u - an uncursed worthless piece of black glass N - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass Evh the Wizard's attributes: Background: You were a Thaumaturge, a level 6 male elven Wizard. You were chaotic, on a mission for Anhur who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Thoth (neutral). You were in the Gnomish Mines, on level 6. You entered the dungeon 3169 turns ago. You had 476 experience points, 164 more were needed to attain level 7. Basics: You had 0 out of 48 hit points. You had 2 out of 65 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was 3. Your wallet contained 131 zorkmids. Autopickup was off. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 10 (limit:18). Your dexterity was 15 (limit:18). Your constitution was 16 (limit:16). Your intelligence was 15 (limit:20). Your wisdom was 11 (limit:20). Your charisma was 10 (limit:18). Final Status: You were unencumbered. You were wielding a dagger. You had basic skill with dagger. Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were magic-protected. You were sleep resistant. You were poison resistant. You saw invisible. You had infravision. You were guarded. You were fast. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a soldier ant a rock piercer a shrieker 3 gnome lords a gnomish wizard an elf zombie a baby crocodile 2 floating eyes a kitten 11 dwarves a rabid rat a centipede a giant bat 3 iguanas an acid blob 2 hobbits 2 large kobolds 4 giant rats a yellow mold 26 gnomes 4 garter snakes 3 geckos 4 jackals a kobold 2 goblins 7 grid bugs 4 lichens 4 newts 94 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 3 Level 1: "permaE under box" A fountain. Level 2: "minestopright" A scroll shop. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 3: The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 6 Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: <- You were here. A fountain, some trees. Final resting place for you, killed by a soldier ant. Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | evh | | 131 Au | | killed by a | | soldier ant | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye evh the Wizard... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 2282 points, and 131 pieces of gold, after 3169 moves. You were level 6 with a maximum of 48 hit points when you died.